Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A diet to lower cholesterol that's effective, safe and easy.

This type of cholesterol diet is needed because many people have the misconception that the amount of cholesterol that's in your bloodstream is directly related to your diet.

While a diet to lower cholesterol is one of the factors in influencing cholesterol, a lot of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver.

Your liver produces cholesterol then it's carried throughout your body to your cells. The excess cholesterol is then carried back to the liver. If the excess cholesterol isn't used up, it can begin to stick to artery walls, which leads to cardiovascular disease.

Even though high cholesterol can cause serious health problems, your body still needs it to perform many different functions. It's needed to help build membranes, manufacture bile, and produce hormones. But again, too much is bad.

Since cholesterol produces fatty deposits in the arteries, it is one of the main causes of heart disease. High levels are also linked to mental impairment, high blood pressure and gall stones.

A lot of people don't fully appreciate how essential cholesterol is for good health. It is a non-soluble waxy substance which your body needs for making hormones, cell walls and nerve sheaths.

along with information on the dangerous effects of cholesterol drugs & Much More, has just been made available to the public.

"A Specific Diet To Lower CholesterolCan Indeed Help You In Lowering
Cutting eggs and butter out of a diet to lower cholesterol will have minimal impact on cholesterol levels. What is more important is that you stop eating margarine.
Also reduce your intake of refined and processed foods in a diet to lower your cholesterol, which are full of hydrogenated fats and oils as well as trans fats. These are MUCH more dangerous than the saturated fats in butter and eggs which your body can handle and indeed needs.
In fact, studies have clearly established that the low fat, low cholesterol diet for high cholesterol approach is a very dangerous one because it can lower HDL, the good cholesterol but only have minimal impact on LDL, the 'bad' cholesterol.

Cholesterol is transported around your body in two different forms.
One form is called LDL (low density) or the 'bad' or 'oxidized' cholesterol, and the other is HDL (high density) or the 'good' cholesterol.

LDL attaches itself to your artery wall and creates 'plaque' which can ultimately accumulate and create a blockage in your arteries resulting in a heart attack, or a stroke if some of the capillaries in your brain become blocked and parts of your brain are starved for blood. Your LDL needs to be as low as possible.

HDL travels around in your bloodstream picking up excess cholesterol including LDL and taking it back to your liver for reprocessing. Sort of like a garbage collector!
Your HDL must be as high as possible to ensure superior health.
As a result of any general low cholesterol diet that may be available - your cholesterol situation can get worse.

The lack of essential fatty acids in your diet to lower cholesterol is also a major factor in heart problems.

You can supplement your diet to lower cholesterol with a tablespoon of organic flax seed oil every day which is an excellent source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids.
Note: These essential fatty acids will NOT make you fat, but rather will help you lose weight.

For cooking use only 'Extra Virgin Olive Oil'. Studies have shown that this version can help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL but it MUST be the 'Extra Virgin' olive oil.
Ordinary virgin olive oil does not lower LDL cholesterol.
Also, use as much garlic as you can in your cooking. This has been shown to help lower cholesterol.

In addition take a quality natural cholesterol lowering supplement that contains genuine Policosanol which is an extract from sugar cane, (does not increase blood sugar levels) plus guggulipid which is a natural herb from India.
These substances alone have proven to be highly effective in numerous double blind, placebo clinical trials in lowering LDL and raising HDL.

They will outperform the cholesterol lowering statin drugs with no side effects, other than assisting in the normalization of weight.

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