Wednesday, September 24, 2008

10 Superfoods

The benefits from eating healthily are endless. It's not about settling for less, it's about heaping more -dense foods on your plate. All it takes to make a difference in your overall health is making the right decision. But which food should you choose? Luckily nature is generous and provides us with many nutritional options that can pave the path to optimal health.
Superfoods have been creating quite a stir among dieticians and consumers alike and for good reason. The term `superfood' is used to describe those foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts and wholegrain) enzymatic ally alive ; whole foods which are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, shown to have a potentially beneficial effect on health when consumed as part of a varied diet.
According to research done some time ago, the TOP 10 SUPERFOODS are as follows:

Analyzed for their anti-oxidant capabilities, blueberries came out top, rating highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals.

*Contains vitamin C, folic acid and carotenoids
*Rich in phytonutrients that may help reduce the risk of cancer and help lower cholesterol.

Fresh or frozen, add to low fat yoghurt for extra fiber or your favorite wholegrain cereal, with skimmed milk, for a nutritious breakfast.

2-Dark Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens like broccoli and spinach are packed with anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin- all cancer fighting substances. The high vitamin C content also enhances your immune system, while the calcium and potassium help maintain strong bones and contribute to healthy connective tissue and cartilage. In order
to preserve the vitamins and minerals greens contain, always choose steaming as your preferred method of preparation.

*Contains vitamin C, Folate, B vitamins, calcium and potassium.
*Rich in anti-oxidants lutein and zeanthin, which helps reduce risk of cancer.
*Boost your immune system, bone health and great source of fiber

Garlic is nicknamed `Russian Penicillin', due to its legendary anti-oxidants properties and is a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial food. Studies show garlic lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. In order to benefit from it, it is important to mash it prior to eating.

*Contains manganese, vitamins B6 and C AND Selenium
*Detoxifies the body and boost immune functions to fight infection.
*Beneficial for those with poor circulation and high blood pressure.

Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and split peas not only provide a delicious base for countless meals, but are also nutritional powerhouses containing many essential nutrients needed for good health. It helps lower LDL cholesterol levels, decreases the risk of certain cancers, and helps control diabetes and assist in weight maintenance.

*Excellent source of soluble fibre to promote healthy heart.
*Rich in Zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, iron and B vitamins.

Eating plain, unsalted nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and pistachios can lower the risk of heart disease. Nuts contain monounsaturated fats which works to lower `bad' (LDL) and
Raise `good' (HDL) cholesterol, when eaten in moderation. They are. rich in fibre, vitamin E, folate, calcium, magnesium, protein, and phytochemicals.

*Beneficial for those with high LDL and low HDL cholesterol levels.
*Eat dry roasted, raw or unsalted nuts as a snack or add to salads or stir-frier.

Oats contain several nutrients that provide health benefits: fibre ( both soluble & insoluble ), good carbohydrates, plant protein, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants, Oatmeal is the only whole grain food recognized by the FDA to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

*Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal prepared with skimmed milk for added calcium & protein.


Salmon and other cold water fish (e.g. tuna mackerel, and halibut ) contain an essential fatty acid called Omega-3. This `good fat' protects your arteries against plaque build up and is effective in lowering bad cholesterol. Prepare using low fat cooking methods such as blackening, steaming, poaching or grilling.

*High in proteins and relatively low in calories.
*Beneficial for those with high cholesterol levels.


Soybean provides soluble fibre and complex carbohydrates for stabilized blood-glucose levels and sustained energy. This humble bean supplies unsaturated fat .A source of plant-based protein and phytochemicals (isoflavones), soy also helps repair and build muscle while fighting off disease at the same time.

*The perfect bean- protein, complex carbohydrates, and unsaturated fat.
*Helps stabilize blood sugars, build muscle and promote a healthy heart.
*Steam whole soybeans for a nutritious snack; throw in a soup, salad, stir-fry or casserole for extra protein.


This diverse fruit / vegetable is the epitome of a cancer fighting superfood . Not only do tomatoes contain lycopene, the anti-oxidant phytochemical also help prevent heart disease, they are also a good source of dietary fibre and an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and E, all enemies of cancer-friendly free radicals.

*Eating it raw is the best.

Yogurt is available in a variety of flavors, although plain low fat yoghurt is the most simple, wholesome and versatile. It is not only its calcium that makes yoghurt a bone-friendly food, yoghurt also contains lactoferrin, an iron binding protein that boost the growth and activity of osteoblasts (the cells that build bone).A very good source of phosphorous, riboflavin, and iodine, as well as vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, zinc, potassium and molybdenum.

*Add low-fat yoghurt to fresh fruit salads, wholegrain cereals, soups, curries, and dips or serve it by itself for a healthy snack.

Enjoy your meals now that you know what is good for the body, and if you want to be really strong, young and healthy also take a capsule of Transfer Factor.

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